looking forward to this

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Angela Nagle

Absolutely delighted for you.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Angela Nagle

Music critic Ted Gioia once wrote about an interesting attempt to create a new type of music conservatory. I think it is not dissimilar from what you would like to see. https://www.honest-broker.com/p/a-new-model-for-a-music-conservatory

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Angela Nagle

The condition of music in 2023 is critical and nearly terminal. One bright spot is Postmodern Jukebox that re-shapes "top hits" of today into audible gems.


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Postmodern jukebox is improving the state of music today.


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I’ve been reading about “decision making” as a concept lately. Mainly as it pertains to investing but I wonder if some of the ideas could be applied here as well. For example, Charlie Munger uses inversion. Instead of asking “how do I make money” he asks “how do I not lose money”. There’s other ideas as well but if a cultural renaissance is what we’re aiming for then perhaps it would be a good idea to list what are the things or places where we wouldn’t want to steer the ship towards and just make sure we avoid those things and places.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by Angela Nagle

If you haven't yet, a highly recommend reading The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist. It's a tour de force on many levels, but he identifies many cultural trends, from wealth inequality, to eroding liberties, to the substitution of bureaucracy for skill, to widespread cynicism and aggression, to environmental despoliation, that stem from an imbalance in the brain hemispheres leading to excess influence from the left hemisphere. Cultivating more right hemisphere presence (indeed he argues it should hold the reins) can resuscitate society into a wiser version of itself - one that can see and synthesize a broader context, detect errors, recognize its own limitations, and pursue values beyond the selfish manipulation and domination of our environments. Art, of course, comes with this shift.

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"To hell with that. I still want to change the world. I just needed to figure out something that was important enough to inspire devotion in me."

Fuck yea!!! So pumped to read you saying this.

One thing worth investigating about art and beaty is how things like the dark, macabre and menacing fit in, like the worka of Bosch and Dore in the visual arts, gothic and horror literature, and so on. This is a topic I've been thinking on heavily and plan to write about. Might be worth pondering for your studies.

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