I do find it curious that Erik Reinert is Norwegian (although working in Estonia), as the Norwegian government seems to me to be more active in the economy than most governments in Europe. The development of salmon aquaculture (starting in ~1970s), the industrial sector that I've been most curious about, seems to have relied a good deal on government support in the past, and even now many academics are working on fish farming technology. This stand in contrast to my experience in academic research in the US, which was essentially separate from productive interests. Moreover, the numerous EEA state-aid decisions that Norway is involved in may indicates that it is trying to follow this path even under the constraints of that agreement (compare 481 state-aid decisions regarding Norway vs 7 for Sweden, 17 for Finland, and presumably 0 for many countries (e.g. Ireland, UK, France...) which are not even search options at https://www.eftasurv.int/state-aid/state-aid-register). The degree to which this path could be embarked upon by other governments within the EU or at the state/city level in the USA is unclear to me and is a question that I'm curious about.
It looks like a good book and I hadn't heard of it before :) Although I do fear embarking upon a 600+ page tome, I suppose I should read it to see what recommendations he has for states in the periphery. For example, what avenues of development remain open within the constraints of the EU treaty framework or within the US federal system?
I do find it curious that Erik Reinert is Norwegian (although working in Estonia), as the Norwegian government seems to me to be more active in the economy than most governments in Europe. The development of salmon aquaculture (starting in ~1970s), the industrial sector that I've been most curious about, seems to have relied a good deal on government support in the past, and even now many academics are working on fish farming technology. This stand in contrast to my experience in academic research in the US, which was essentially separate from productive interests. Moreover, the numerous EEA state-aid decisions that Norway is involved in may indicates that it is trying to follow this path even under the constraints of that agreement (compare 481 state-aid decisions regarding Norway vs 7 for Sweden, 17 for Finland, and presumably 0 for many countries (e.g. Ireland, UK, France...) which are not even search options at https://www.eftasurv.int/state-aid/state-aid-register). The degree to which this path could be embarked upon by other governments within the EU or at the state/city level in the USA is unclear to me and is a question that I'm curious about.
It looks like a good book and I hadn't heard of it before :) Although I do fear embarking upon a 600+ page tome, I suppose I should read it to see what recommendations he has for states in the periphery. For example, what avenues of development remain open within the constraints of the EU treaty framework or within the US federal system?